Monday, January 04, 2010

The First

Helloooooo everyone... This is my first post after created an account few days ago.Well, i've no idea what should i post since i'm pretty LAZY, so i choose to left it blank. And i faced some problems while i was creating my blog address which are all of the blog addresses that i tried are no longer available. ARGGHHH!!! Headached !! Luckily a called *SillyBird* was helped me to think of few blog addresses that suit me,and in the end i choose LEXXIESS,which are the combination of the few words of my name: LEX + XIESS.And also my background assistant: Sabrina, she was really did a good job for my background.weee...i like it very much! Thanks SillyBird and Sabrina. =]
Hmm... I was thinking Miss Sabrina might leaves me a comment like: 'FINALLY YOU UPDATE YOUR BLOG!'. and I would like to say: 'YEAP, FINALLY...' =]
And guess what...when i was posting,my puppy was barking barking and barking! So noisy! And it was very annoying! Feel like want to SLAP *him*!! Nah.... here is my puppy comes : Coco

So I've to entertain *him*,and stop posting... Lot photos are coming for the next post of new year eve (i know it's a bit late) and my new year resolutions. Guys, honestly I'm still thinking what's my resolution for this year. (>.<) See ya,have a nice day and Happy New Year. =]


  1. ya...finally you posted the first post... next time buy something to stuck at COCO's mouth when you are blogging..hahaha...hope to see you next post...faster k...i m not a patient person...

  2. lol nice intro you have you take subscription?? lol keep the blogs coming...

    Oh and ..GRATZ!!! new baked blog in out in the market lol...keep up the good work gal
