Monday, January 11, 2010

Happy yet Upset... ...

life is like roller coaster... there's up and down,slow and fast... ... makes people feel happy yet makes people afraid of it too! Like what were happened on me today.
I suppose... i shouldn't feel upset today since i had succeed to claimed the compensate from a insurance company like
finally (it's so funny, i'm not even know which insurance company that pay me the compensate ! ><) referred to an accident that was happened on me when i was 16, which are nearly 5 years ago! If you ask me: "How was the case going on?" I would like to say: " Run *smooth* and D#mn *fast* with *high* efficiency!!" However, the amount of the compensate isn't nice! Hmm... but i was still happy when i knew i've got the offer because i no need to attend any court anymore!

Besides, I had done a great thing today! I rescued a girl from
"DARKNESS" ...! hahaha... ... ok, I'm just overdraw the story, purposely to praise myself! heeee...
The story is, when my mum came back from outside, a boy was asked for her help to send his friend to hospital since his friend was fainted and in an exanimation status. My mum was afraid at the moment and didn't know what to do. So, i choose to dialed 991 (for emergency cases) asked them to send the girl to hospital by ambulance without panic. There were 4 Malay teenagers (2 boys, 2 girls, couples look liked) was dating at the roadside near my house, under a super
*WARM* sun and 2 of them was wearing Tudung! [omg...the weather was damn hot kay... ] Maybe this was the reason caused that girl fainted, I guessed. The girl didn't has any response even her bf splashed her face with water and applied some medicine for her! Everyone seems like very worried before the ambulance arrival.
The ambulance reached after 20 mins and the quickly send the girl to hospital to get further treatment.
Hmmm... When looked into her bf's eyes... it was like talked to me... and told me: " Thanks for your caring and your help." heee... so happy to help the people, even though it was like indirectly. Hope she will be alright.
*Allah* bless her!=] Nah... this a good example for ONE MALAYSIA project ok!!! Chinese helps Malay, Malay helps Indian, Indian helps Chinese!! This is what we want...

when the ambulance reached

ready to send her to the hospital.

Today is a meaningful day to me,i thought. In good mood after helped them. And i was thinking, God was treated me so nice, gave a good day to me. But no! I earned something today, at the same time I lost something too.
A good day was given from God. So funny, It gave me a bad night too! Seems to be equally for everything. Suddenly i feel like want to listen to a song-
I Gotta Feeling from Black Eye Peas!! Because of somebody's attitudes and behaviors, bring me... (oopps! Not only me,i should say - Us!)... bring us many troubles. This is what we don't want to be. DAMN!!
Where did
Happiness went? We need *you*! hhhmmm... It's just missing for temporary i guess. It will comes back to us soon, perhaps... =]

We are waiting for it~~=]

1 comment:

  1. good thing you did save someone....cant comment much on the bad thing happened to you but well at least you did something good today thats all about it...cheers
